I installed Fedora Linux on my laptop back in 2018 and went down this rabbit hole since. Here’s a quick list of my setup right now:
- Linux Distro: Fedora
- Window Manager: i3
- Bar: i3bar with i3status
- Launcher: albert
- Compositor: picom
- System Monitor: conky
- Notification Daemon: dunst
past config (bspwm)
…and here’s another (tangentially relevant) list of my favourite tools:
- Terminal: kitty
- Text/Code Editor: neovim
- Browser: Firefox (custom theme: xpi zip colors)
- Markdown Editor: neovim + plugins
- LaTeX Editor: neovim + VimTeX, latexmk
- PDF Viewer: zathura
- Note Taking: Obsidian, Xournal++
- Art Editor: Gimp, Krita (drawing), Inkscape (vector)
- Video Editor: DaVinci Resolve
- Mail Client: Thunderbird
- Chatting: Ferdium